It's been a while since I've updated here. Due to how busy our days are with the move, I haven't had much time to blog! We've been working on getting the house straightened up and all "moved in", slowly going through boxes and fixes all the little things that you don't notice until you need them (for instance, upon installation of our home phone and Internet, we discovered there are no working phone jacks in the house! A brief visit with a technician allowed us to temporarily thread the cords through a spare bedroom window- thank goodness-until we can get one installed.) We've also been hard at work planning our first real vegetable garden (more on that later). But now, things are calming down a bit, and I am hard at work getting back up to speed with our daily routines as well as blogging!

Peanut has done pretty well with the move. As long as she has Mommy and her breastmilk, she's good to go! I have noticed, however, that she is not all the way used to the new house, and she has definitely noticed something is different, which shows when she gets super needy and cannot bear to have you sit her down! I think she just isn't all that comfortable with all the rooms yet, although it is getting better every day.
One significant improvement over the last couple of weeks is that Peanut is now napping predictably. This is huge, since she previously would only nap for 20 minutes at a time. Better naps also means better sleep at night, and she is now only waking 1-2x at night instead of 3-6x! One night last week, she actually slept through the night without any night wakings! It was so wonderful!
She hasn't begun crawling yet, but she is getting into the position and trying! Most of the time, she just face plants herself into the ground when she tries to move forward, which usually ends up in bouts of crying! She will army crawl towards objects, and I think it's only a matter of a few weeks before she is cruising all over the house. We need to get some child gates for sure!
It's amazing to see the changes in her, and witness her budding personality. It's hard to believe she is no longer my tiny little newborn, but a soon-to-be toddler!