On Saturday, Christmas Eve, the day before my due date, I started having contractions about 7 minutes apart around 1pm. The night before, I had been having contractions on and off, which really hindered my ability to get a good night's rest. Friday morning, I nested like crazy, cleaning the whole house thinking baby would be here soon. Daddy C was feeling sick like he might have the flu, which made me even more anxious. Between all the cleaning, I tried to feed us all good, nutrient dense foods and supplements to ward off the sickies. By 1pm, the contractions had returned with regularity. I went on a walk, and they got stronger and closer together. I decided to call the midwives and tell them to come at 4:30pm. Daddy C took Peanut to a relative's house just in case, and the midwives arrived around 5:30pm, by which time the contractions were now coming 5 minutes apart. They were not really painful though, and since I had back labor with Peanut, I wasn't sure if this was just what regular labor contractions felt like. I decided to be checked to see how far along I was since Daddy C was trying to decide whether or not to miss the Christmas Eve Worship service he needed to lead. They checked me and I was just 1-2cm, so he left and my sister who was there with us stayed and hung out with me while we waited for him to get back. During this time my contractions did not get any closer together and they varied in intensity.
When Daddy C got back, the midwives went out for a Chinese dinner and me, my sister and Daddy C took another long walk. It was kinda pretty walking around after dark on Christmas Eve, looking at all the lights. I had quite a few intense contractions while walking, and by the time I got back I sat on the stability ball to work through them. They were coming 2 minutes apart and were pretty intense. I was so worn out by time point I decided to try and lay down on the bed for a while. During this time about 10pm, the midwives came back and checked me again to see if any progress had been made. I was still the same 1-2cm. I pretty much knew it was not going to happen that night and we sent them home. I then took a long hot shower and had a good cry. I was more upset over not having our Peanut home with us than anything- it was the first time she had ever been away at night and we did not want to wake her up just to bring her back home when we could just get her in the morning.
The next few days came and went without any contractions. On Tuesday, I was feeling crampy in the evening, but nothing like I had on Saturday. Daddy C and I went to bed, and contractions started coming soon after around 9:30pm. I had to really work through these contractions which were much different from the ones I had on Saturday. It was eerily reminiscent of Peanut's labor and birth, so we called the midwives over at around 10:45pm and they got here shortly before midnight. We had been timing the contractions to be 4 minutes apart and lasting around a minute each. My sister also came soon after since she was going to take care of Peanut if she woke up. Unfortunately, she also brought her dog, which I didn't expect, and I got needlessly upset. The stress slowed the contractions down considerably. I was checked and found to be 4-5cm, 80% effaced and -2 station. Because the contractions were slowing, the midwives suggested I take a shower and see if that stopped them. I did and it seemed at that point they were slowing. My body was extremely tired by now and all I wanted was sleep. I think my body knew this, and everything stopped by 2am and we sent everyone home once again. I still had very irregular contractions all throughout the night before they stopped completely in the morning. I was so sore the next day, disappointed, and thinking the baby would never come.
Saturday morning, New Years Eve, I really needed to get my mind off things now that I was nearly a week overdue. We went hiking at a nearby nature preserve and I flew down the trail, hiking with gusto. This was so abnormal for me since I normally take my time climbing hills! I didn't really think too much of it though. Later that afternoon, Daddy C and I made love (for like the millionth time that week, haha!) and then went out shopping at Lowes. At Lowes, I started having contractions that were pretty strong, but I didn't want to

After nursing and bonding for a while, I took a shower, and put on some clean clothes. About this time, I got to cut Snowflake’s umbillical cord and the midwives bagged up the placenta. After looking at the placenta, they said it was very healthy and had no signs of aging whatsoever. Even though Snowflake was technically a week late, she seemed to have been born right on time!
I really could not have asked for things to go any better than they did for our first homebirth! Total time spent in active labor was just over 3 hours. I went from 7cm to pushing in less than 30 minutes and then only pushed for just 4 minutes. I didn’t have any back labor either, which I was trying very hard to avoid this time around! The difference between back labor and "normal" labor was incredible- part of the reason I was in such shock that she came so fast was that I was expecting to be in excruciating pain for hours before the actual delivery, since that was how it went with Peanut. I am so thankful to have experienced birth without back labor, it made the whole labor process so much more bearable and positive.
So far my recovery has been going very well, and Snowflake is doing great. She is a such a little bundle of joy and we never get tired of just watching her!

Congrats on baby girl's arrival! I know you're excited that Peanut has a sister!! So glad everything went well & you're both healthy!
Congratulations! All I can say is, "Wow!" I cant even imagine. God's timing is perfect! What a beautiful mommy and baby girl!
what a beautiful birth story! Thank you for sharing! I'm sorry you had so much false labor, but it sounded like your body was still doing work at that time!
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