Sunday, September 26, 2010

Peanut's First Hike!

This weekend, we decided it was time for Peanut to take her first hike. The weather had finally cooled down a notch to make this possible, so off we went! Daddy C carried Peanut in her Moby Wrap. She loved looking around at all the wonderful things to see!

We passed a beautiful lake lined with cattails...

Leaves are finally start to change color around here...

It was such a sunny day! There were plenty of fishermen trying their luck at the lake...

By the end of the hour-long hike, Peanut had had enough of nature!

Peanut also turned 3 months on Sunday! We think she is definitely ready to start exploring the outdoors with Mommy and Daddy C. In a couple weeks, we're all going camping in the new family tent. Hopefully she will be as good of a camper as she is hiker!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3-Month Growth Spurt from You-Know-Where

Peanut isn't quite 3 months, but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to grow like the rest of them! Last Thursday, she stopped sleeping and started eating. And eating. And not sleeping. And eating.

Although her sleeping patterns were all skewed due to her vacation to the nation's capitol over Labor Day weekend, this was worse then a skewed sleeping pattern. This was week 1 all over again.

Peanut would only go to sleep for 45 minutes to 1.5 hrs at a time. Eventually she got to the point where she could not sleep at all unless she was simentaneously eating! This meant Peanut shared the bed with Mommy C and Daddy C as Mommy C tried desperately to keep up with Peanut's demands to constantly nurse. The result was 4 days of hardly any sleep for her parents, save an hr at a time, which usually was interrupted by Peanut kicking and squirming and punching her mama in the stomach due to her verocious appetite!

I will admit I had a breakdown at this point. I thought something must be seriously wrong with my child. Poor Peanut was exhausted with the rest of us. And her incessant crying was maddening.

I fully contemplated running away for a month or two! Then we realized what it all was- the DREADED 3 MONTH GROWTH SPURT. I swear she grew like an inch over the course of 4 days!

But then, just as soon as it had began, it stopped. And Monday night, Peanut slept soundly once more, only waking to eat during her normal hours.

And Mommy C (AKA Zombie Mommy) breathed a sigh of extreme relief, thanking God it was over.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday Best

Yesterday we went to church, and I dressed little Peanut and myself up to make a good impression. Since it was the first day of our new membership classes, we would be meeting quite a few people, and so, Peanut needed to look adorable :D. I put her in a cute dress with a matching giant flower headband. And since I knew I might have to NIP (nurse in public), I wore a nice nursing tank with a white sweater.

We ended up being a tad bit late to the service, but that's pretty much how all of our life is now that Peanut is here! Our church is rather large (sanctuary can sit over 10,000 or something like that), and we normally sit in the second balcony so I can slip away with Peanut if need be.

Well, as you can guess and probably already see this coming, I did need to slip out. Just a few moments after the sermon had started, I finished nursing Peanut and had her sitting in my lap. She was sucking on her fingers and very content. Daddy C and Mommy C were extremely proud of their little baby!

Then, the explosion happened. Oh, yes.

I quickly walked out of the sanctuary and looked around for the family restroom. I didn't see it, so I peered through the women's restroom searching for a changing table. However, there was none to be found. Desperate, I popped into the cry-room and asked other parents for directions to the family restroom, which I KNEW had a changing table in it. It had to, right?

A particular lady was very helpful, and she walked me to it (which just so happened to be right in front of the women's restroom, meaning I must have been blind not to have seen it!). She was quite kind and asked me if I needed any help. Since I only needed to change a diaper (I was unaware that it had exploded at this point), I though this strange and replied, 'No, thank you!'. But as I shut the door and turned to face the mirror, I discovered a horrific discovery and the reason why she had offered to help.

Poop was everywhere.

All over Peanut. All over me!

I stood there, feeling completely helpless for a couple of seconds, wondering how on earth I was going to be able to clean this gigantic mess up.

My white sweater was covered in yellow poo. So was Peanut's dress, and bloomers, and socks, and bib, and hands, and feet and stomach- you get the picture.

And if you were wondering, YES, she was wearing the dreaded HUGGIES (I had so many in my stockpile that were free, I figured maybe they wouldn't be so bad- WRONG!!)

And no, there wasn't a changing table! So I had to plop Peanut next to the sink.

Luckily, I had worn a black tank top, so although it was soaked after being scrubbed to death in attempt to rid it of all poo smell, you couldn't really tell. And luckily, I had a plastic baggie to put all the poo covered clothing in until we could get home to wash it properly. I ended up having to wash Peanut's whole body under the running facet and dried her off with paper towels. It took me the remainder of the church service to get both her and I cleaned up and somewhat presentable for our class that was to follow. But I still smelled like baby poo.

Peanut must have sensed how distressing this whole episode was, because she was perfectly content for the rest of the time we were at church. People didn't seem to notice she was once a poo-covered-baby either, although I'm quite certain they probably thought, 'Hmmm, that baby sure smells funky....'

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Peanut reaches 11 weeks!

Peanut has been keeping me busy, so I don't have a lot of time to post. But Saturday, she turned 11 weeks old! Here she is:

I hope to resume a regular posting schedule soon!