Last month, I decided to start doing a monthly menu plan on the advice of The Grocery Shrink (By the way, f you haven't read her ebook or blog, I encourage you to check it out!). Not only has this been much easier than I originally thought, it has made my days and weeks less stressful and allowed us to save a bunch of money by avoiding eating out due to my not knowing what to make for dinner.
I was able to quickly fill in all the meals by assigning each day of the week a theme. Here are some of my themes:
- Mondays: Soup Night
- Tuesday: Big Meat Night
- Wednesday: Group Meal Night
- Thursday: Crock-Pot Night
- Friday: Homemade Pizza Night
- Saturday: Grilling Out Night (Until summer ends that is)
- Sunday: Easy/Leftover/Freezer Meal Night
You can view our family's September Menu Plan here.
Monthly menu-planning makes it easier to take advantage of early sales for meals later in the month, and it actually reduces the time spent shopping. Less money is wasted on impulse buys and more money is saved or allocated for stockpiling the pantry.
I am loving this new method of menu planning! Of course, life often gets in the way of seeing this plan completely to fruition, but having an idea of what to do has helped so much!
How do you menu plan?