Saturday, August 11, 2012

This Week's Frugal Activities

Here is a list of the frugal things I have done this week:

I lined dried all my clothes. Actually did less laundry this week so I saved on water.

I canned another 3 pints of tomato sauce from tomatoes harvested from our garden. I reused the water in the canner from the first time since I had just used it the day before. 

I read a book from the library and returned others that we had finished. I also renewed some that were about to be overdue, saving myself from racking up overdue fines. 

I combined as many trips as possible when running errands. Since we live about 10-15 minutes from the main shopping area, I try and get at least 2 errands done at once to save on gas. The most I am usually able to do is 4, but any more than that becomes difficult since Peanut and Snowflake don't do as well with extended trips. 

Did not need to water the garden for on several days due to rain! It's nice to finally get some rain around here, although for many crops it is a bit too late. My 2nd zucchini plant finally bit the dust after a particular hot afternoon last week, so I only have one producing plant now. I really thought I would have harvested more than I have from these 2 plants (as well as my 30 tomato plants), but I guess the weather just was not favorable this year. 

I shopped for our upcoming vacation and bought all our food for the trip at the discount store (Aldi) and Kroger here in town. The cabin we will be staying at is a bit more remote, and the grocery store is very expensive there, so we are saving a lot of money buying our food beforehand. 

This will be my last frugal activity update until we return from our trip in a few weeks. I will share all the frugal things we did while there when I get back!

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