This past weekend we were finally able to go camping with Peanut. Daddy C and Mommy C were particularly excited, especially since our last attempt to go camping ended up being a 2-hr trial after she started crying her eyes out and would not stop. But now that she's a bit older (3.5 months to be exact), we figured she might be able to handle the great outdoors a little better.

We found the perfect camping site just 40 minutes from where we live, so if things did indeed turn sour, we could always turn right back around and be home pretty soon. In our city, there's a forest just on the outskirts of town with peaceful, wooded, primitive camping - just what we love! Our site was well secluded from other sites, and there weren't any RVs, large bathhouses or busy roads to distract us. Just nature and the Campbells. :D
Almost as soon as we got there, Daddy C started collecting firewood and got a fire going. He has become quite adept at getting a fire started after many failed attempts! We decided to have hot dogs, zucchini and tortilla chips. Because what's camping without junk food like hot dogs?
Peanut loved the fire. She just kept staring at it like it was perhaps the most fascinating thing she had ever witnessed. I guess, considering the girl has never seen fire before, it probably was!
The weather was perfect in the evening - not too cool but not warm enough that you couldn't enjoy sitting by the fire. Just the right temperature for a light jacket. Peanut was cozy in her blankie and later we put her in her sleep suit, which was even cozier.
After she finally went to sleep, Mommy C and Daddy C got to enjoy the fire by themselves for a bit until the last ember finally went out. Then we snuggled into our spacious new tent with a blow-up mattress and a snoozing Peanut. We all slept well that night.
Until about 4am. When the planes came.
Why didn't someone tell us we were only a couple miles from the airport?! The planes must have been coming in for the day, since one takeoff after another lasted for about an hr and half straight. I got little sleep during this time, but Peanut was sleeping, dare I say, like a baby! Even Daddy C managed to roll over and ignore the hard sounds of plane engines.
When we woke up at 7am, like usual, we were all relatively well-rested though and ready for an adventurous day. Peanut woke up smiling as if to say, "I guess I'm a camping baby after all!"