In the meantime, I have been back at couponing full force lately. Yesterday I scored big at Walgreens and CVS by using coupons as well as the various store promotions. Here is what I got and what I paid:
- 4 12-packs of Cottonelle Toilet Paper
- 1 Goody Hair Clip
- 8-pk of Crayola Washable Markers
- 12 oz bottle of Complete Multi-Purpose Solution
- 1 box of Mac and Cheese
Total Spent after rewards and coupons: $12.50
Total Saved: $40+
- 2 Skinny Cow candy bars
- 1 Gillete Fusion Razor
- 1 box of Kashi Cereal
Total Spent after rewards and coupons: $3
Total Saved: $16
We should be good to go on toilet paper until later this fall! This helps me to only pay the lowest possible price on such a frequently used item. We also have plenty of contact solution to keep our eyes in good health! I am so thankful for coupons and the items we can get for nearly free- it really helps stretch our tiny budget quite a bit.
Do you use coupons? Why or why not?
What an awesome deal!!
Have you considered using "Family Cloth?" Like cloth diapers only toilet paper. :p Saves a bundle for us because our children and our new puppy have an obnoxious "unroll the toilet paper and chew on it" fetish.
I have considered the idea of using cloth for like "number 1" but have not tried it out yet. Hubby still needs convincing! But I have managed to ditch paper towels at least. We do have a stash of cloth diapers, but with my lack of energy and the morning sickness I just recovered from, disposables are so much easier at the moment (I could never remember to keep up with the washing). I will only buy diapers if they are on sale for 10 cents a diaper and then use cloth for in between if necessary. But I agree, cloth all around is definitely the way to go!
Followed the link from your comment at Money Saving Mom. I am a stay-at-home-wife, and consider it a great blessing. Having just celebrated our first anniversary, I don't know how I could have "done it all" *and* worked outside the home. Due to my husband's erratic schedule, if I worked outside the home, it would drastically cut down on the time we have together. For us, it has been a great option, and we're glad we're able to do this.
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